



A.E. Semprini, M. Macaluso, L. Hollander, A. Vucetich, A. Duerr, G. Mor, M. Ravizza, D.J. Jamieson
Safe Conception For HIV-Discordant Couples: Insemination With Processed Semen From The HIV-Infected Partner.
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A.E. Semprini
Conception in HIV infected couples. Focus on Reproduction.
January 2012 pp 31-34
I. Garagiola, M. Mortarino, A.E. Semprini, F. Peyvandi
Reproductive care in human immunodeficiency virus serodiscordant couples with haemophilia.
Letter. Blood Transfusion 2012.
M. Mortarino, I. M. Garagiola, L.A. Lotta, S. M. Siboni, A.E. Semprini, F. Peyvandi
Non-invasive tool for foetal sex determination in early gestational age.
Haemophilia 2011, 17:6 (2011 Nov), pp. 952-956. ISSN 1351-8216.ISSN 1365-2516.
Bujan L., Gilling-Smith C., Hollander L., Semprini E.A., Vernazza P.
Lack of clinical and scientific evidence to justify the systematic use of ICSI in HIV-serodiscordant couples wishing to conceive where the male partner is infected.
Fertil Steril 2009, 91:3.p1-2. ISSN 0015-0282
A.E. Semprini, L. Hollander, A. Vucetich, C. Gilling-Smith
Infertility treatment for HIV-positive women.
Women’s Health, 2008, 4: 369-382 Future Medicine ISSN 1745-5057
S. Sunderam, L. Hollander, M. Macaluso, A. Vucetich, D.J. Jamieson, F. Osimo, A. Duerr, A.E. Semprini
Safe Conception for HIV Discordant Couples through Serm-Washing: Experience and Perceptions of Patients in Milan, Italy.
Reproductive health Matters 2008; 16 (31): 211-219
L. Bujan, L. Hollander, M. Coudert, C. Gilling-Smith, A. Vucetich, J. Guibert, P. Vernazza, J. Ohl, M. Weigel, Y. Englert, A.E. Semprini, for CREAThE network
Safety and Efficacy of Sperm Washing in HIV-1 serodiscordant couples where the male is infected: results from the European CREAThE Network.
AIDS 2007, 21:1909-1914. Leggi di più
A.E. Semprini, L. Bujan, Y. Englert, C. GillingSmith, J. Guibert, L. Hollander, J. Ohl, P. Vernazza
Establishing the safety profile of sperm washing followed by ART for the treatment of HIV discordant couples wishing to conceive.
Hum Reprod 2007; 22 (10): 2793-4.
The SYRICOT (Systematic Review on Congenital Toxoplasmosis) study group. A.E. Semprini in writing committee
Effectiveness of prenatal treatment for congenital toxoplasmosis: a meta-analysis of individual patients’ data.
Lancet 2007; 369: 115-122. Leggi di più
Gilling Smith C, Nicopoullos JD, Semprini AE, Frodsham LC
HIV and reproductive care – a review of current practice. Author’s reply.
BJOG 2007; 114:512 Leggi di più
Gilling Smith C, Nicopoullos JD, Semprini AE, Frodsham LC
HIV and reproductive care – a review of current practice.
BJOG, 2006; 113(8):869-78. Leggi di più
C. Pasquier, D Anderson, C Andreutti-Zaugg, R Baume-Berkenbosch, F Damond, A Devaux, Y Englert, J Galimand, C Gilling-Smith, O Guist’hau, L Hollander, M Leurez-Ville, S Benoit Lesage,
A Maillard, AG Marcelin, MP Schmitt., A Semprini, M Vourliotis, Chong Xu, L Bujan and the CREAThE network
Multicenter Quality Control of the Detection of HIV-1 Genome in Semen before Medically Assisted Procreation.
J Med Virol 2006; 78:877-882. Leggi di più
Vernazza PL, Hollander L, Semprini AE, anderson DJ, Duerra A
HIV-discordant couples and parenthood: how are we dealing with the risk of transmission?
AIDS 2006; 20(4): 635-636. Leggi di più
Persico T, Savasi V, Ferrazzi E, Oneta M, Semprini AE, Simoni G
Detection of human immunodeficieny virus-1 RNA and DNA by extractive and in situ PCR in unprocessed semen and seminal fractions isolated by semen-wahing procedure.
Hum Reprod 2006 Feb 13 (Epub ahead of print) Print ISSN 0268-1161 Leggi di più
K Freeman1, L Oakley, A Pollak, W Buffolano, E Petersen, AE Semprini, A Salt, and R Gilbert for The European Multicentre Study on Congenital Toxoplasmosis (EMSCOT)*
Association between congenital toxoplasmosis and preterm birth, low birth weight, and small for gestational age birth.
BJOG 2005; 112:31-37 Leggi di più
European HIV in Obstetrics Group (AE Semprini co-author)
Higher rates of post-partum complications in HIV infected than in uninfected women irrespective of mode of delivery.
AIDS 2004, 18:933-938.
AE Semprini, S Fiore
HIV and Pregnancy: is the outlook for mother and baby transformed?
Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2004;16: 471-475 Leggi di più
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, L Hollander
Spermwashing, use of HAART and role of elective caesarean section.
Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2004;16: 465-470 Leggi di più
AE Semprini, S Fiore
HIV and reproduction.
Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2004,16: 257-62. Leggi di più
European HIV in Obstetrics Group (AE Semprini co-author)
Higher rates of post-partum complications in HIV infected than in uninfected women irrespective of mode of delivery.
AIDS 2004, 18:933-938. Leggi di più
Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trial Group (PACTG 316) Study team. AE Semprini co-author
Maternal Toxicity and pregnancy complications in human immunodeficiency virus-infected women receiving antiretoviral therapy: PACTG 316.
AM J OB GYN 2004; 190(2): 506-16.
S Sharma, C Gilling-Smith, A E Semprini, S E Barton and J R Smith
Assisted conception in couples with HIV infection.
Sex Transm Infect. 2003Jun;79(3):185-8 Leggi di più
European Multicentre Study on Congenital Toxoplasmosis. (AE Semprini in author group)
Effect of timing and type of treatment on the risk of mother to child transmission of Toxoplasma gondii.
BJOG 2003; 10:112-120.
Dorenbaum A, Cunningham CK, Gelber RD, et al. (AE Semprini in author group)
Two-dose intrapartum/newborn nevirapine and standard antiretroviral therapy to reduce perinatal HIV transmission: a randomized trial.
JAMA 2002;288:189-98.
ML Newell, M Rogers
Pregnancy and HIV infection: a European Consensus on management (AE Semprini collaboration).
AIDS 2002; 16 (suppl2) 1-18. Leggi di più
A Zanetti, E Tanzi, AE Semprini
Hepatitis C in pregnancy and risk of vertical transmission.
Ref Gynecol Obstet 8: 257-60.
Gilling-Smith C, Smith JR, Semprini AE
HIV and infertility: time to treat. There’s no justification for denying treatment to parents who are HIV positive.
BMJ 2001;322:566-567 (10 March) Leggi di più
The International Perinatal HIV Group
Duration of ruptured membranes and vertical transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 1: a meta-analysis from fifteen prospective cohort studies.
AIDS 2001; 15(3): 357-368) (AE Semprini Writing Committee) Leggi di più
C Gilling-Smith, R Smith, AE Semprini
HIV and Infertility- time to treat.
BMJ 2001; 322: 566-7.
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, T Persico
Hepatitis C detection.
Lancet 2001; 357: 557.
AE Semprini, V Savasi, L Hollander, E Tanzi
Mother-to-child HCV transmission.
Lancet 2001; 357: 141.
AE Semprini, G Simoni
Not so inefficient reproduction.
Lancet 2000; 355: 1292-93.
The European Collaborative Study
Combination antiretroviral therapy and duration of pregnancy.
AIDS 2000 14: 2913-20 (AE Semprini collaborator)
A J C Cook, R E Gilbert, W Buffolano, J Zufferey, E Petersen, P A Jenum, W Foulon, A E Semprini, D T Dunn on behalf of the European Research Network on Congenital Toxoplasmosis
Sources of toxoplasma infection in pregnant women: European multicentre case-control study.
BMJ 2000; 321:142-147 Leggi di più
AE Semprini, C De Andreis, S Fiore, I Garagiola, S M Sirchia, V Savasi, ML Newell and G Simoni
Detection of maternal DNA in cord blood at birth after elective caesarean section or vaginal delivery.
AIDS 2000; 14: 623-625.
S Fiore, AE Semprini, M Ravizza, A Bucceri, ML Muggiasca, B Guerra, A Spinillo, and G Pardi
The changing HIV epidemic in Italian pregnant women.
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2000; 91(2): 149-153 Leggi di più
The European Collaborative Study
Maternal viral load and vertical transmission of HIV-1: an important factor but not the only one.
AIDS 1999; 13: 1377-1385.
P.A. Tovo, ML Newell, L Mandelbrot, E Semprini and C Giaquinto
Recommendations for the management of HIV-infected women and their infants: a European consensus.
Prenat Neonat Med 1999; 4:3-17
The International Perinatal HIV Group
The mode of delivery and the risk of vertical transmission of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 – A Meta-Analysis of 15 Prospective Cohort Studies.
N Eng J Med 1999; 340: 977-987.
The European Mode of Delivery Collaboration
Elective caesarean-section versus vaginal delivery in prevention of vertical HIV-1 transmission: a randomised clinical trial.
Lancet 1999; 353: 1035-39.
The Italian Collaborative Study on HIV infection in pregnancy
Mother-to-child transmission of human immunodeficiency virus in Italy: temporal trends and determinants of infection
Hum Reprod 1999; 14 [1]: 242-246.
The European Collaborative Study
Is zidovudine therapy in HIV-infected women associated with gestational age and birthweight?
AIDS 1999, 13: 119-124
AE Semprini, T Persico, V Thiers, M Oneta, R Tuveri, P Serafini, A Boschini, S Giuntelli, G Pardi and C Bréchot
Absence of Hepatitis C virus and detection of HGV/GBV-C RNA sequences in the semen of infected men.
J Infect Dis 1998; 177 [4] : 848-854. Leggi di più
ML Newell, F Parazzini, L Mandelbrot, C Peckham, AE Semprini, B Bazin, J Darbyshire, E Sanchez, G Pardi
A randomised trial of mode of delivery in women infected with the human immunodeficiency virus.
Br J Obstet Gynaecol, March 1998, Vol 105: 281-285.
A Perino, A Vassiliadis, A Vucetich, N Colacurci, G Menato, M Cignitti and AE Semprini
Short term therapy for recurrent abortion using intravenous immunoglobulins: results of a double-blind placebo-controlled Italian study.
Hum Reprod 1997, vol 12 pp 2388 -2392 Leggi di più
AE Semprini, S Fiore, G Pardi
Reproductive counselling for HIV-discordant couples.
Lancet 1997; 349: 1401-1402 (letter).
C. De Andreis, G. Simoni, C. Castagna, L. Sacchi, S.M. Sirchia, I. Garagiola, T. Persico, P. Serafini, G.Pardi and A.E. Semprini
Absence of detectable maternal DNA and identification of proviral HIV in the cord blood of two infants who became HIV-infected.
AIDS 1997, 11: 839-841.
ML Newell, DT Dunn, C Peckham, AE Semprini and Giorgio Pardi (The European Collaborative Study)
Vertical transmission of HIV-1: maternal immune status and obstetric factors.
AIDS 1996, 10: 1675-1681. Leggi di più
C De Andreis, G Simoni, F Rossella, C Castagna, E Pesenti, G Porta, G Colucci, S Giuntelli, G Pardi and AE Semprini
HIV-1 proviral DNA polymerase chain reaction detection in chorionic villi after exclusion
of maternal contamination by variable number of tandem repeats analysis.
AIDS 1996; 10: 711-715. Leggi di più
AE Semprini, C Castagna, M Ravizza, S Fiore, V Savasi. ML Muggiasca, E Grossi, B Guerra, C Tibaldi, G Scaravelli, E Prati, G Pardi
The incidence of complications after caesarean section in 156 HIV-positive women.
AIDS 1995, 9:913-17. Leggi di più
AE Semprini, M Ravizza, ML Muggiasca, S Giuntelli, S Fiore, G Pardi
Paternal HIV infection and transfer of HIV from mother to fetus.
B M J 1994; 308: 453.
ML Newell, TD Dunn, CS Peckham. AE Ades, G Pardi, AE Semprini (The European Collaborative Study)
Caesarean section and risk of vertical transmission of HIV-1 infection.
Lancet 1994; 343: 1464-67.
ML Newell, D Dunn, AE Ades, C Peckham, G Pardi, AE Semprini (The European Collaborative Study)
Perinatal findings in children born to HIV-infected mother.
Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1994; 101: 136-141.
AE Semprini, A Stillo, S Marcozzi, C Castagna, S Fiore, U Radaelli
>Treatment with interferon for genital HPV in HIV-positive and HIV-negative women.
Eur J Obstet, Gynecol Reprod Biol 1994; 53: 135-137.
AE Semprini, PE Levi-Setti, M Oneta, S Giuntelli, S Fiore, G Pardi
Insemination of HIV-seronegative women with processed semen of HIV-seropositive men: an update.
The AIDS Reader 1993; 3: 6, 184-190.
AE Semprini
Insemination of HIV-negative women with processed semen of HIV-positive partners.
Lancet 1993; 341:1343. (Letter)
M Baldini, AE Semprini, A Orsatti, G Viale, L Cantalamessa
Reduction of insulin resistance after correction of non neoplastic ovarian virilization.
J Endocrinol Invest 1993; 16: 285-289
G Colucci, E Pesenti, E Molteni, C De Andreis, S Pariani, F Rossella, AE Semprini, G Simoni
Applicability of DNA isolated from syncytiotrophoblast vescicles to gene amplifications and molecular analysis.
Prenat Diagn 1993; 13: 335-440. Leggi di più
ML Newell, D Dunn, CS Peckman, AE Ades, G Pardi, AE Semprini
Risk factors for mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1.
Lancet 1992; 339: 1007-1011.
AE Semprini (contributing author)
Maternal factors involved in mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 1992; 5: 1019-29.
AE Semprini, PE Levi-Setti, P Bozzo, M Ravizza, A Taglioretti, P Sulpizio, E Albani, M Oneta, G Pardi
Insemination of HIV-negative women with processed semen of HIV-positive partners.
Lancet 1992; 340: 1317-1319 Leggi di più
AE Semprini, M Ravizza, A Bucceri, A Vucetich, G Pardi
(1989) Perinatal outcome in HIV infected pregnant women.
Gynecol Obstet Invest 1990; 30: 15-18. Leggi di più
A Plebani, A Biolchini, A Bucceri, M Buscaglia, G Pardi, AE Semprini
Prenatal immune status of HIV seropositive mothers.
Gynecol Obstet Invest 1990; 29: 2, 108-11. Leggi di più
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, S Garbo, G Agostoni, G Pardi
Effect of prednisone and heparin treatment in 14 patients with poor reproductive efficiency related to lupus anticoagulant.
Fetal Ther 4 1989; (suppl.1):73-76. Leggi di più
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, G Pardi, MM Cossu
HIV infection and AIDS in newborn babies of mothers positive for HIV antibody.
Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1987 Mar 7;294(6572):610. Leggi di più
G Pardi, C Brescianini, A Bucceri, A Canestrari, G Ferraris, M Ravizza, AE Semprini
Pregnancy in drug-addicted women.
J of Obstet Gynaecol, 1986; vol 7, suppl. 1
B Macchi, M Federico, A Orecchia, P Verani, GB Rossi, A Lazzarin, M Moroni, G Pardi, AE Semprini
Evidence of HIV retrovirus intrauterine infection.
AIDS Res, 1986; 2: 267. (Letter)
AE Beer, AE Semprini, X Zhu, JF Quebbeman
Pregnancy outcome in human couples with idiopathic spontaneous abortions: 1) HLA antigen profiles; 2) HLA antigen sharing; 3) Female serum MLR blocking factors;
and 4) Paternal leukocytes immunisation.
Exper Clin Immunogenet 1985; 2: 137-153. Leggi di più
M D’Incalci, C Sessa, N Colombo, G de Palo, AE Semprini, G Pardi
Transplacental Passage of Cyclophosphamide
Cancer Treat Report 1982; vol. 66: 8.




AE Semprini, L Hollander Tecniche di procreazione medicalmente assistita nelle coppie sierodiscordanti per il virus HIV Medicina della Riproduzione Umana. Editors Andrea Borini, Filippo Maria Ubaldi. Parte 9. La Procreazione Medicalmente Assistita. CIC Edizioni Internazionali, Roma 2010. ISBN 978-88-7141-897-1 pp.491-510
AR Zanetti, E Tanzi, AE Semprini Hepatitis C in pregnancy and mother-to-infant transmission of HCV Congenital and Other Related Infectious Diseases of the Newborn ; [a cura di] Isa K. Mushahvar. – Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2007. – ISBN 978-0-444-52073-9. – p. 153-171
AE Semprini, L Hollander Treatment of HIV discordant couples – the Italian experience Male infertility: Diagnosis and Treatment. EditorsSergio C Oehniner, Thinus F Kruger, Publisher Informa UK 2007, London. pp 363-374. ISBN10; 0-415-39742-1
AE Semprini Procreazione assistita Aggiornamento enciclopedico UTET/Garzanti. 2004
AE Semprini, S Fiore Il fegato in gravidanza Trattato di Medicina Interna di G Crepaldi. Vol 3° Ed Piccin, Padova. 2002
36. AE Semprini, C Castagna Emostasi in gravidanza Trattato di Medicina Interna di G Crepaldi. Vol 2° Ed Piccin, Padova, 2000 vol 2
AE Semprini, S Fiore Emopoiesi e gravidanza Trattato di Medicina Interna di G.Crepaldi. Vol 2° Ed Piccin, Padova. 2002. ISBN 88-299-1642-0
AE Semprini, S Giuntelli Apparato digerente e gravidanza Trattato di Medicina Interna di G Crepaldi. Vol 1° Ed Piccin, Padova, 2002. ISBN 88-299-1642-0
AE Semprini, V Savasi La tiroide in gravidanza Trattato di Medicina Interna di G Crepaldi. Vol 1° Ed Piccin, Padova, 2002. ISBN 88-299-1642-0
AE Semprini, AR Zanetti Hepatitis C and pregnancy Hepatitis C Biomedical Research Reports edited by T Jake Liang, Jay H Hoofnagle. Academic Press, San Diego, 2000, pp 405-413
AE Semprini, V Savasi, S Fiore Patologia ginecologica ed ostetrica in urgenza Emergenze medico-chirurgiche. Parte Quarta. Seconda edizione. Editrice Masson, Milano, 2000, pp 335-344
PA Tovo, ML Newell, L Mandelbrot, AE Semprini, C Giaquinto Recommendations for the management of HIV infected women and their infants- A European Consensus European Commission, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1999. ISBN 92-828-6303-4
AE Semprini, C Castagna, S Fiore, S Giuntelli, V Savasi, M Oneta, P Serafini, L Sacchi, L Mangiarotti, S Della Grazia, M Di Grandi and M Panteghini Assisted conception in fertile and infertile HIV-discordant couples Mit AIDS leben. Prävention, Therapie, Behandlungsalternativen, psychosoziale Aspekte 1999. H. Jäger (Hrsg)/Landesberger/Lech: ecomed, 1999, pp 317-319
AE Semprini, S Fiore, V Savasi, S Giuntelli Antiretroviral therapy during pregnancy AIDS und HIV-Infektionen: Diagnostik, Klinik, Behandlung; Handbuch und Atlas für Klinik und Praxis. Hrsg. H Jager. Landsberg a.L.; ecomed, 1999: V-5.3 (1).
AE Semprini, S Giuntelli, S Fiore, V Savasi, C Castagna, M Oneta, P Serafini, T Persico, G Pardi AIDS e Gravidanza HIV-AIDS in Medicina Generale. A cura di O Brignoli, G Ventriglia. S.E.M.G. 1998, pp 145-154
AE Semprini, G Pardi Aspetti riproduttivi AIDS 1998 Il Contributo Italiano. A cura di F. Dianzani, G Ippolito, M Moroni. Sezione II, IV.25 pp 465-469
AE Semprini, S Fiore, V Savasi, L Sacchi, S Giuntelli, M Oneta, T Persico, A Bulfoni e G Pardi Infezione da HIV, coppie discordanti e riproduzione assistita Il counselling nell’infezione da HIV e nell’AIDS. GC Bellotti, ML Bellani. Mc Graw-Hill Libri Italia, Milano, 1997, pp. 387-391
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, S. Giuntelli, S Fiore, V Savasi Immunologia della Riproduzione Immunologia ed Allergologia Pediatrica a cura di G R Burgio e A Ugazio. Casa Editrice UTET, Torino, 1996
AE Semprini, S. Giuntelli, S. Fiore, V. Savasi, C. Castagna, P. Semino, L. Sacchi, A. Vucetich, M. Ravizza, A. Sora, G. Pardi Infezione da HIV in gravidanza: problemi materni e fetali AIDS Pediatrico, a cura di A. Maccabruni, D. Caselli, E.G. Rondanelli, Piccin Ed. Padova, 1996, pp 499-512
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, C Castagna, S Giuntelli, S Fiore, V Savasi, P Semino, L Sacchi, G Pardi La gravidanza nelle donne HIV-positive Edit-Symposia Ginecologia e Ostetricia. Vol III N°2, pp 21-36, Editor Prof. Schoenauer, Editeam 1994
AE Semprini, S Giuntelli, S Fiore, C Castagna, V Savasi, G.Pardi HIV e riproduzione umana Progressi Clinici: Ginecologia e Ostetricia Volume 3- Numero 2 Le infezioni in ostetricia e ginecologia a cura di S Guaschino. Piccin Editore, Padova, 1994
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, C Castagna, S Garbo, P Zamperini, M Farè, F Mercuriali and G Pardi Immunogenetic Analysis of Couples with Severe Intrauterine Fetal Growth Retardation (IUGR) Reproductive Immunology. F Dondero – PM Johnson Editors. Serono Symposia Publications from Raven Press. 1993; Vol. 97: 159-163
AE Semprini, P Levi-Setti, G. Pardi Fertilità e Riproduzione nelle coppie con partner maschile HIV sieropositivo e donna HIV sieronegativa Progressi Clinici. Ginecologia e Ostetricia Vol. 1 n. 2 Infezioni da Microorganismi patogeni emergenti in ostetricia e ginecologia. A cura di E.V. Cosmi, F. Bistoni, L. Frati. Piccin Ed., Padova, 1992
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, S Garbo, P Zamperini, C Castagna, E Pedretti and G Bulfoni Double-blind random study of the efficacy of tiaprofenic acid and naproxen sodium in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea Current Research in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Editor AR Genazzani, F Petraglia, AD Genazzani and G D’Ambrogio. Parthenon Publishing, Carnforth (UK) 1992. pp 497-505
G Pardi and AE Semprini Human Immunodeficiency Virus and reproduction In Frontiers in Gynecologic and Obstetrics Investigation. Parthenon Publishing, UK, 1993. pp 129-136
G. Pardi, AE Semprini Immunologia riproduttiva Enciclopedia Medica Italiana, Aggiornamento 1** , 1991. Gravidanza pp 3446-3450. Uses Edizioni Scientifiche, Firenze, 1991
AE Semprini, A Vucetich, S Garbo, F Molteni, G Pardiri Lupus-like anticoagulant, anti-cardiolipin antibodies, anti-nuclear antibodies and poor reproductive outcome The fetus as a patient ’88. Excerpta Medica, 1989, pp 223-228
G Pardi, AE Semprini La terapia farmacologica in gravidanza Manuale per la prevenzione, diagnosi e terapia delle malformazioni congenite. Associazione Italiana Studio Malformazioni. Lions Club, Bergamo, 1987; 104-102
G Pardi, AE Semprini, A Taglioretti La Patologia infettiva nella riproduzione e nella gravidanza Manuale per la prevenzione, diagnosi e terapia delle malformazioni congenite. Associazione Italiana Studio Malformazioni.Lions Club, Bergamo, 1987; 90-103
G Pardi, AE Semprini Rapporti tra HIV e riproduzione umana. AIDS Edizioni Regione Lombardia 1987
AE Beer, JF Quebbeman, AE Semprini Immunopathological Factors Contributing to Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion in Humans Spontaneous Abortion. DK Edmonds and MJ Bennet Editors. Blackwell Scientific Publication, London, pp 90-108, 1987
AE Beer, X Zhu, AE Semprini, JF Quebbeman Pregnancy outcome in human couples with idiopathic recurrent abortions: the roles(s) of female serum, Mixed Lymphocyte Culture blocking factors, potentiating factors, and local uterine immunity before and after paternal leukocyte immunisation Immunological Approaches to Contraception and Promotion of Fertility, Talwar G P ed., Plenum Press, 1985; 393-406
AE Beer, JF Quebbeman, Y Hamazaky, AE Semprini Immunotheray of recurrent spontaneous abortion Immunoregulation and fetal survival. Gill III T J and Wegemann T G Eds. Oxford University Press, 1986, 286-299
AE Beer, JF Quebbeman, AE Semprini, TG McGaw, A Jijon Survival and “Rejection” of the fetal allograft Immunology and Immunopathology of Reproduction V Toder & A E Beer Eds Contr. Gynec Obstet 14,1-15 Karger, 1985 Sasel
AE Beer, JF Quebbeman, AE Semprini, PE Smouse, RF Haines Recurrent abortion: analysis of the roles of parental sharing of histocompatibility antigens and maternal immunological responses to paternal antigens Reproductive Immunology 1983. S Isojima and W D Billington (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers B V, pp 185-195
GB Candiani, AE Semprini Malattie dell’apparato emopoietico e gravidanza Manuale di Medicina Interna del Prof. P Larizza, Vol VIII, 1984 Piccin Editore
GB Candiani, AE Semprini Fisiopatologia epatica in gravidanza Manuale di Medicina Interna del Prof. P Larizza, Vol VIII, 1984 Piccin Editore
GB Candiani, AE Semprini Apparato digerente in gravidanza Manuale di Medicina Interna del Prof. P Larizza, Vol VIII, 1984 Piccin Editore
GB Candiani, AE Semprini Fisiopatologia tiroidea in gravidanza Manuale di Medicina Interna del Prof. P Larizza, Vol VIII, 1984 Piccin Editore
AE Beer, JF Quebbeman, AE Semprini Immunological aspects of recurrent abortions in humans Immunologie de la Reproduction Humaine, Ph Edelman et Cl Sureau, L’Actualite’ en Gynecologie et en Obstetrique, Sandoz Editions, 1983 Paris, France.
G Pardi, AE Semprini, AM Marconi La patologia epatica in gravidanza Collana Monografica di Clinica Ostetrica e Ginecologica. Cofese Edizioni, 1982 Palermo




ESHRE Campus
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Task force on viral Diseases.
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I Congreso Nacional del Laboratorio Clinico
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63th Annual Meeting.
63th Annual Meeting, Washington, October 13-17, 2007 Leggi di più
American Society for Reproductive Medicine
Assisted Reproduction for HIV-discordant Couples.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada. October 15-19, 2005 Leggi di più
Women’s HIV Interdisciplinary Network
From Contraception to conception in the HIV/AIDS Era.
San Juan de Puerto Rico, June 8, 2005 Leggi di più
Progetto ART- Fedemo ( Federazione delle Associazioni Emofilici)
Emofilia e procreazione consapevole.
Napoli, Maggio 2004 – Firenze, Settembre 2004 Leggi di più
One day simposium
Pediatric an obstetric aspects of HIV infection.
Bazel, Switzerland, april 2004
2003 National HIV Prevention Conference. Atlanta (USA) July 2003 Leggi di più
ASMR 2001
57th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine.
Orlando, Florida, october 2001 Leggi di più
Press conference
Primo simposio internacional de reproduccion y HIV.
Buenos Aires, giugno 2001 Leggi di più

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